
Become plant

Become plant

Become-plant, 2017, full hd, 7mins
With Carolina Colada and Emmanuel Hubaut, original soundtrack Jean-Michel Thiriet.

This movie was shooted in the Botanical garden and the Rillig laboratory of plant ecology in Berlinduring an art and science residency.
The project takes literally the Deleuzian formula: and if turning into a plant was a new hybrid ideal? What if humankind could be more inspired by the vegetals way of living ?
Adam and Eve 2.0, two characters with fuzzy gender, are walking in an anthropomorphic Eden, where nature is in order and named, they are looking for something…. A magical element that could allows them to change state. Eat the soil and become-plant.
The soundtrack was created under the inspiration of traditionnal songs that are adressed to plant in different traditionnal cultures.

  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
  • Become plant
Karine Bonneval