
Incumbo, bent over the lichens

July 22, 2024
Incumbo, bent over the lichens

An art-science and know-how workshop, as part of the cultural summer. In collaboration with the Friends of Pesselières, the Friends of the Tour de Vesvre and the Université Populaire Loire Vauvise.
With Karine Bonneval, visual artist, and Mehdi Harzallaoui, chiseller.

Monday 22 to Friday 26 July, 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
In and around the barn of the Pesselières oil mill.

An exhibition at the Tour de Vesvre will open on 3 August.

2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

June 20, 2024
2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

Thursday 20 June from 6pm to 10pm: 1st festive get-together - on the plateau, in the Moulon district, with all the members of the collective.

From 6pm to 8.30pm, meet the project's artists on the 2km4 survey line. Karine Bonneval, Anaïs Tondeur and Floriane Pochon will be positioned at different points along the transect and will be sharing their work with the public.

From 8.30pm to 10pm, join us for a collective picnic with all the artists and scientists involved in the project. This will be an opportunity to discover the prototype of the "radio 2km4" application from the Orbe collective and to share a free drink.

You can already see the project's first visual experiments at an exhibition organised as part of the 2nd edition of Vegetatio, a day of plant encounters.
Come along from 1pm to 5pm to the greenhouse (bât. 365) on the University of Paris-Saclay Campus to discover the artistic research of Karine Bonneval and Anaïs Tondeur.

Practical information

Meet up on Thursday 20 June from 6pm to 10pm on the lawn of the Parc du Moulon (4 Rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette). Don't forget to pack a picnic and bring a charged phone and headphones to discover "radio 2km4".


2km4_for a happy ecology - flowers/pollinators

May 28, 2024
2km4_for a happy ecology - flowers/pollinators

From 11am to 2pm (bring a picnic) in the meadow above IDEEV next to the wild apple orchard, Mare du Vivier, 91190 Saint-Aubin.
Listening to pollinators, with Karine Bonneval and Fanny Rybak, bioacoustician at Neuropsi.

a SIANA project

2km4_fo a joyful ecology - water

May 15, 2024
2km4_fo a joyful ecology - water

Paris-Saclay University
Meeting at the pound, bat 330 10h30 am

With Ludwig Jardillier, microbiologist specialising in freshwater environments at the ESE.
sediment from a pond at the Orsay University site to create Wynogradsky's olonnes.
Orsay with a view to creating Wynogradsky olonnes.
With Fanny Rybak, bioacoustician at NeuroPsI, hydrophone listening of invertebrates present underwater.

A SIANA project

The map is not the teritory

May 4, 2024
The map is not the teritory

Exhibition from 4 May to 9 June at the Grantham Foundation, Canada

La carte n'est pas le territoire invites us to consider the ground as a lived space. Each of the two installations in the exhibition attempts to bridge the gap between cartographic tools, which abstractly dissect and synthesise environments, and the extraordinary richness of ecosystems. Formulated in the 1930s by the philosopher Alfred Korzybski, the aphorism that gives the exhibition its title expresses this distance between the representation of the world and reality.

Josiane Poirier, Artistic Director

Do trees dream of CO2 ?

April 26, 2024
Do trees dream of CO2 ?

Friday 26 April from 5pm, come and dream with a tree from the Domaine départemental de Chamarande: Do trees dream of CO²? - Performance by Per Hüttner
Bookings by email:

A tree from the domain will be fitted with a Pépipiaf (an ecophysiological measurement tool) that provides real-time feedback on changes in its diameter depending on the season, temperature, time of day and humidity. Carpets arranged in petals around it, above its roots, will allow us to lie down in contact with it.
Live, Karine Bonneval will record the activity of the soil near the roots, and Per Hüttner will supervise them with data from the tree, in quadraphonic sound. Taking the time to listen together to these sounds, those of other living beings around us. One person will be equipped with an EEG, and his or her brain waves, transformed into sound, will vibrate a speaker directed towards the roots of the tree. We'll listen to the delicate, subtle sounds, and let the tree hear the brain activity modulated directly by these sounds.

2km4, for a happy ecology

April 22, 2024
2km4, for a happy ecology

On Monday 22nd, from 2pm to 5pm, in the company of Stephane Bazot, a specialist in soils and plant-soil relationships at the ESE, we will be surveying 3 stations on the 2km4 transect to explore the soil.
Meeting point 2pm in front of IDEEV.


Breathe with the trees

April 7, 2024
Breathe with the trees

Walk in the garden, Breathe with the trees , meditation and artistic practice with Claire Damesin and Karine Bonneval
Trees breathe at the same time as us! Claire Damesin is a tree ecophysiologist at Paris-Saclay University, she studies the behavior of trees in their environment. She also develops interdisciplinary approaches for an introspective ecology.
As we walk around the grounds, while discovering how the tree interacts with its environment, we will breathe with the trees and try to take its shape for a moment, in an exercise in phytomorphism. With bioacoustic microphones, we will listen to the sounds of the bark under our fingers, the leaves, and perhaps the sap.
A guided tour in the garden with two voices. Each meeting offers a different theme, in conjunction with a specialist, to explore the nature of the Chamarande park from a different angle.


Carried by the wind, tears of pollen

March 29, 2024
Carried by the wind, tears of pollen

30 MAR. - 27 OCT. 2024
Art Season 2024

What if the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire were to take on the spirit of the Jardins de Bomarzo this year, with a few monsters and a few madcap characters, fantastic characters from the world of fairy tales or mythology, in the leafy groves of the historic park!
First and foremost, La Grotte Chaumont by Miquel Barceló, a monumental ceramic work created in his brickworks workshop in Mallorca, with exceptional dimensions - almost 8 tonnes - never before achieved by the artist, a thaumaturge with a longstanding passion for the plasticity of the earth and its telluric energy. Designed in the spirit of the famous mantle of Mallorca Cathedral, but destined to withstand the ravages of time, this grotto, like the giant mouth of a monstrous animal ready to swallow us up, is a great first, both an aesthetic masterpiece and an unrivalled technical achievement.
Not far away, and just as enigmatic, Prune Nourry's giant rope-woven figures intrigue the eye, with their immense anthropomorphic silhouettes transforming into trees before our very eyes, while L'Oiseleur and L'Homme sauvage, two impressive pieces by Denis Monfleur, have taken their place in the Park's large green coppices. But the eye is not yet at the end of its surprises. Isn't that a cedar with golden veins? Thus adorned, Olga Kisseleva's jewel tree can reveal its mysterious language.

A new and equally spectacular stage in the visitor's journey is the appearance of Bernar Venet's imposing corten steel sculptures. In dialogue with the park's tall trees, their arches add the magic of their circular forms to the spirit of the place. Another artist, another metal. Vincent Barré, for his part, has designed oblong shafts crossing the space, a kind of anonymous, impenetrable sign in this place steeped in history and the marks of art, speaking to us of the transience of things and our passage through this world. Here, as in the Gardens of Bomarzo, everything is open to interpretation.
But let's leave the Historic Park and head for other extravagances, other visions of nature. Let's enter worlds bursting with gardens, flowers, leaves, earth and even pollen. In the upper galleries of the Château, we'll discover the subtly playful atmosphere of painter Vincent Bioulès, with some forty paintings on nature and landscape, radiating an exceptional science of colour and light. A few rooms away awaits Pascal Oudet's fabulous Laissez entrer le soleil, which transforms the material of an oak tree into lace and tells its intimate story.
As if in counterpoint to this effervescence of forms, Kôichi Kurita's minimalist installation inhabits the Tour de Diane. Fascinating earth-filled flasks are lined up there, offering part of the precious library of Earth, a concrete utopia that the artist has been building up over the last 20 years.
Back at the Château, Pascale Marthine Tayou's hanging chandeliers await visitors in the Grange aux abeilles. The magnificence of nature hybridized with the waste materials of humanity.
In the galleries of the Cour Agnès Varda, the marvellous gardens of Damien Cabanes come into view. The result of a residency at the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, these paintings on paper have the freshness of an instant and the depth of a gesture steeped in the history of art.
The Cour de la Ferme is home to Mundo Perdido, three gilded bronze architectures by Anne and Patrick Poirier, while the artist duo dress the Asinerie in paintings, photographs on porcelain and rugs with deliberate messages: "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed", reads one of them. Upstairs, Karine Bonneval's imaginary meadow rehabilitates the beauty of pollen, whose mission is to transmit life. By changing the way we look at things, art really does have the power to transform the world.

Chantal Colleu-Dumond
Exhibition curator

To plant yourself and listen to the soil

March 2, 2024
To plant yourself and listen to the soil

Planting yourself and listening to the earth, with Céline Basset and Karine Bonneval, as part of the Se planter exhibition.

We often ignore what goes on beneath our feet, yet the soil is the origin of life on earth. Céline Basset is the founder of the Blue soil farm, which campaigns to restore the soil's microbiota by working closely with farmers on soil quality. In the park, we'll be planting ourselves in the soil in a sensory experience using mats, listening live to the activity of the earth. Céline will be taking us through a microscope and introducing us to soil micro-organisms.

Children, parents and grandparents are invited to discover the exhibitions at the Orangerie through an interactive tour followed by a workshop. A friendly intergenerational experience based around contemporary art.

Meeting point at the orangery - from 6 years old

Bookings required by email:
